PHPStorm is a tool to improve productivity and reduce PHP development costs
May 01, 2024

PHPStorm is a tool to improve productivity and reduce PHP development costs

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with PhpStorm

It helps our developers to code faster, bringing a lot of tools that they use on a day to day basis. Being a complete IDE it also helps with git repository management, and even denies the need of separated small tools like ssh terminals, again saving a lot of time and greatly reducing the risk of mistakes.
  • Code check and autocomplete
  • Git management
  • Remote Development
  • Overall performance
  • SSH terminal
  • IA tools integration
  • Reduces task delivery time
  • Reduces task error
  • Reduces DEVOPS costs
Both Visual Studio Code an Sublime Text are excellent code editors, and even offer a better performance than PHPStorm. However they are not complete IDE's and do not perform half of the tasks that PHPStorm does.

Do you think PhpStorm delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with PhpStorm's feature set?


Did PhpStorm live up to sales and marketing promises?


Did implementation of PhpStorm go as expected?


Would you buy PhpStorm again?


I think PHPStorm is one of the best (if not the best) IDE on the market for PHP development in general, and that it is capable of improving development performance for most teams. It may be not so very well suited for companies that uses less popular technologies, where PHPStorm would not be able to integrate.