Node.JS - if you have JS developers, it's the way to go
April 30, 2024

Node.JS - if you have JS developers, it's the way to go

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with Node.js

Node.js is commonly spread across the organization as a service aggregator of other services, acting as a Backend For Frontend for the web and native applications.
Since the frontend technologies are JavaScript-based, it's easy to use, having high-speed development from all developers, because all of them are familiarized with the base language.
  • As an API Gateway/Aggregator
  • Scalable applications
  • Development experience
  • CPU Performance
  • Increased Development Speed
  • Enhanced Developer Productivity
  • Simplified Backend for Frontend

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Node.js is a strong choice for building modern applications. It simplifies managing how different services work together (service orchestration) and adapts to growing user demands (scalability). Additionally, it allows for efficient Backend for Frontend (BFF) layers, providing web applications with the specific data they need. Also, Node.js utilizes JavaScript, a familiar language for many developers, which can streamline the development process.