HubSpot is my "must-to-check" before the calls with prospects
Updated December 18, 2023

HubSpot is my "must-to-check" before the calls with prospects

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot CRM

My workday begins with reviewing Hubspot notifications to monitor our qualified leads. Throughout the day, I rely heavily on Hubspot for various critical tasks. These include reaching out to inbound leads, following up with potential clients, and reviewing the SDRs reports on the Sales Dashboard. Additionally, we use it extensively for reporting month-over-month (MoM) and year-over-year (YoY) statistics, which is vital for tracking our performance and identifying trends. This platform is central to my daily operations, serving as an indispensable tool for managing customer interactions, tracking sales progress, and ensuring a comprehensive overview of our sales activities. Hubspot effectively streamlines our workflow and is the backbone of our sales and customer relationship management strategies.
  • It keeps you organized with its straightforward flow; I don't know if it is just me but with the automation, we set on HubSpot and it makes my job a lot easier to track everything rather that checking all the customer lists (the highly qualified, product qualified, semi-qualified, etc).
  • It's great to have such a detailed user profile - it allows associating every detail with the specific customer, so it is great for our technical teams as well to see the notes (like feature requests, bug reports, etc) under the user profile page.
  • The graphs we created under the dashboards are making my job quite easy. I can find every little filter I need for creating monthly reports. The graphs are transparent, and easy to understand; no need to highlight a particular part.
  • Our Hubspot expert is setting up everything for us; so I don't specifically have a problem with HubSpot CRM; however, I know that sometimes there are some issues with changing the assigned attributes - because it is hard to find where to do it. It's a bit complicated to set some new rules for the attributes or change them.
  • The main use of the Hubspot integration for our use case is ProfitWell. When checking monthly, sometimes the profit well data and the data on Hubspot do not match. Somehow, Hubspot is not counting some new users as "new" and does not represent their MRR on the dashboard.
  • Shorter deal cycles - because of the easy task tracking system (seeing email opens, tracking the links that the prospects clicked)
  • Sales rep adoption cycle is a bit longer than expected but HubSpot offers great trainings, so the reps get started using it right away.
  • All the analytics dashboards make it easier to track and refer
I've used Zoho CRM before, but it was nothing to compare with HubSpot CRM. It lacks UI elements, limited integrations available, and hard to track prospect details.
Sales team puts all the information about the prospects under prospect profile pages Before the demos, we can see if the prospect's checked the articles about the competitors on our blog. We share insights with the marketing team about the mostly visited blog posts. Also, we can track from which link the prospects book demos, so if the number of demos decreases, the marketing team can take action immediately by checking the "source" attribute on HubSpot. Our marketing team checks the industries of the prospects and work on the target audience for ads.
I did not personally select Hubspot over Zoho. I was using Zoho in my previous job. Now, we use HubSpot in my new company. HubSpot is more comprehensive when compared with Zoho; it offers more integration, and more room for customization (in terms of prospect profiles). With Zoho, I was just seeing the notes about the users, if their payment is due if they canceled their subscriptions. But with HubSpot CRM it is possible to track everything we need in an easy way. I never join demos with prospects without checking their HubSpot profiles. It is a must for me.

Do you think HubSpot CRM delivers good value for the price?


Are you happy with HubSpot CRM's feature set?


Did HubSpot CRM live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of HubSpot CRM go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy HubSpot CRM again?


Although the sales team is the team actively using HubSpot every day; our product and technical teams are checking HubSpot CRM prospect profiles regularly to see the notes and insights about the users. We were able to create such detailed prospect profile pages on Hubspot, we know where the leads come from, what their actions are on UserGuiding accounts, and their journey on our website. Also, before and after calls we take all the notes so all the teams can check the details and act accordingly. Collecting everything under one profile in a clean way is the best part of it. Based on the sayings of our Hubspot expert, sometimes it is hard to set some rules/change the rules of the prospect attributes because HubSpot's comprehensiveness brings complexity. If our expert is OoO, and if we need to change something, then it is not possible to find where he created/changed that attribute, so there is a steep learning curve when it comes to setting things up. But as a sales executive, I'm pretty happy with my HubSpot experience.

HubSpot CRM Feature Ratings

Customer data management / contact management
Not Rated
Workflow management
Opportunity management
Integration with email client (e.g., Outlook or Gmail)
Quote & order management
Not Rated
Interaction tracking
Case management
Not Rated
Call center management
Not Rated
Help desk management
Not Rated
Lead management
Email marketing
Not Rated
Task management
Billing and invoicing management
Not Rated
Not Rated
Pipeline visualization
Customizable reports
Not Rated
Custom fields
Not Rated
Custom objects
Not Rated
API for custom integration
Not Rated
Not Rated
Role-based user permissions
Not Rated
Single sign-on capability
Not Rated
Not Rated
Social data
Not Rated
Social engagement
Not Rated
Marketing automation
Not Rated
Compensation management
Not Rated
Not Rated
Mobile access
Not Rated

Using HubSpot CRM

7 - Our sales team utilizes Hubspot for managing their leads and deals. Hubspot serves as more than just a CRM; it's a primary tool where our sales team invests a significant amount of time engaging with leads, organizing pipeline stages, and closing deals. Additionally, our support team employs Hubspot to access lead profiles and review past interactions, enabling them to provide the most effective support possible.
2 - Two of our team members are dedicated to generating Hubspot reports and integrating them into dashboards to monitor various sales metrics, such as demos booked, emails sent, deals closed, deals lost, and monthly, quarterly, and yearly comparisons. They also set up automation and sequences to ensure a seamless Hubspot workflow. One of these individuals is part of our growth team, while the other handles sales operations.
  • An automation is in place to assign Product Qualified Leads (PQLs) and Highly Qualified Leads (HQLs) to the sales team, ensuring that they make the first contact and consistently follow up with every lead without fail.
  • Following a product demonstration, the sales team initiates a deal in Hubspot and oversees the sales cycle, including the various pipeline stages, until the deal is successfully closed.
  • Hubspot reports assist us in monitoring the individual performance of each sales team member and their contribution to the total Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). These reports play a crucial role in determining the bonuses for the sales team.
  • By using Hubspot as a central repository for information, different departments (our sales, marketing, customer service) collaborate more effectively, leading to a more cohesive strategy and better customer experience.
  • Utilizing customer data and interaction histories from Hubspot to inform new product development or service enhancements, ensuring that new offerings are closely aligned with customer needs.
  • Using Hubspot to automate highly personalized customer journeys based on interaction history, purchasing behavior, or engagement levels, creating a more individualized customer experience.
  • We have yet to fully explore several features in Hubspot, including the "Target Accounts" function. While we have activated this feature, we haven't made full use of it yet. The Target Account feature has the potential to help us view the total new Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) opportunities in our pipelines and develop a strategy to effectively close these opportunities.
  • Prospecting Feature: This can be used to identify and qualify leads from a variety of sources, including website forms, landing pages, and social media engagements.
  • Utilizing HubSpot’s capabilities to engage with prospects on social media and through targeted content marketing strategies.
While we've encountered challenges in generating reports due to HubSpot's extensive and sometimes complex features, our entire sales cycle is managed through this platform. Despite these complexities, HubSpot has proven to be a highly efficient tool for us, simplifying the tracking of daily operations and significantly enhancing our overall effectiveness. The comprehensive nature of HubSpot, although occasionally intricate, offers a wide range of functionalities that cater to various aspects of our sales process, contributing positively to our workflow and productivity.

Evaluating HubSpot CRM and Competitors

  • Cloud Solutions
  • Scalability
  • Integration with Other Systems
  • Ease of Use
HubSpot's ability to seamlessly integrate with other tools and software we use was essential for maintaining a cohesive workflow.
I'd seek out more feedback from current users of the CRM systems, especially from businesses similar to ours in size and industry. Their insights on long-term usage and any challenges faced would be invaluable. Also, I'd rigorously evaluate the quality of customer support offered by the CRM providers, as effective support is critical for troubleshooting and maximizing the value of the CRM.

HubSpot CRM Implementation

Since it's been some time since we implemented HubSpot, I can't pinpoint a single key aspect of the implementation process. However, I recall the experience of adopting such a large and new software was both exciting and daunting. Setting up our sales structure took almost a month. The process was challenging but not overly difficult.
Change management was a big part of the implementation and was well-handled - We understood that a comprehensive training program is essential for using hubspot. Ensuring that all users are comfortable with the new system and understand how to use it effectively is key to successful implementation. Also, Implementing hubspot in phases, rather than all at once, helped us in managing the change better.
  • Deciding which software to integrate first posed a challenge for us, given that we were utilizing a variety of different platforms for pipeline management, payment tracking, and data analytics.
  • The sales team encountered difficulties in navigating HubSpot's interface due to its multitude of features, resulting in a steep learning curve. This complexity led to some resistance in adopting HubSpot over the previously used software systems.
  • Customizing HubSpot to align with our specific needs and processes proved to be a challenge, primarily because we were uncertain about which features to utilize and which to disregard.

HubSpot CRM Support

Sometimes we are facing challenges due to delays in receiving responses to our inquiries and support requests. These delays not only lead to unresolved issues but also cause disruptions in our workflow and project timelines. The slow response time is becoming a recurring problem that impacts our efficiency and productivity. Moreover, there's a growing concern about the overall quality of support provided. Considering the cost of the service or subscription we are paying for, the level of support we receive sometimes feels inadequate.
Knowledgeable team
Kept well informed
No escalation required
Immediate help available
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
Slow Resolution
We opted not to invest in premium support as our usage typically doesn't necessitate extensive assistance. However, we've encountered challenges, particularly during the process of setting up new elements, like generating reports on specific attributes. In these instances, we've noticed a lack of immediate support, which has been a hurdle in our operations.
In November; I asked this question: "We're interested in tracking the open and click-through rates for the emails our account managers send individually to their respective contacts. These are standalone sales emails, not part of any automated sequence. Can you advise if there's a method to assess and compare the performance of these emails on a monthly basis?" Your support agent Karen, helped me by explaining the sales analytics tool to create a report step by step. It did not solve our issue, we ended up creating some sequences to solve it, but it was a great explanation, and now we know how to utilize the sales email activities attribute.

Using HubSpot CRM

Like to use
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
Unnecessarily complex
Difficult to use
Requires technical support
Lots to learn
  • The seamless integration with gmail and the ability to track email opens and clicks is particularly streamlined.
  • The visual representation and management of the sales pipeline in Hubspot are intuitive.
  • Setting up automated marketing and sales workflows in Hubspot is straightforward and powerful.
  • Creating customized reports are challenging
  • Some features like sales forecasting have a steeper learning curve, especially for sales team members who are not as tech-savvy.
  • Grasping how different lists feed into various automations is somewhat challenging due to the user interface's complexity.
Yes - The app is quite complex and can feel overwhelming, as HubSpot attempts to incorporate nearly all the features available on its web application. My primary use for it is simply to receive notifications for email opens, replies, and similar activities. A more simplified or user-friendly design that focuses on core functionalities for on-the-go use could significantly enhance the app's usability.