We use HubSpot - Our students learn HubSpot - You should
Updated November 30, 2014

We use HubSpot - Our students learn HubSpot - You should

John Heinrichs | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

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  • All modules

Overall Satisfaction with HubSpot

HubSpot is being used both as a tool to teach students the Inbound Information Technology concepts as well as a tool to help the School of Business Administration better understand what is driving visitors to our website. The students have an opportunity to see "live" data and make recommendations as this is a live case.
  • HubSpot COS -- the HubSpot COS facilitates the creation of dynamic, responsive, personalized website. Individuals receive a different experience based on their level of interaction with the School. I believe that providing this customized experience enables both the potential student and the School to connect with each other at a higher level. Further, the use of the COS is straightforward and relatively easy.
  • Education/Support -- HubSpot has a fantastic support team -- the individuals on the support team follow through with the issue until it is addressed to your satisfaction. The best part is talking with the individuals as they provide great ideas on working with the tool. Further, the marketing support team makes it a point to stay in touch and help provide suggestions for using the product better. They take the time to understand the issues we are facing and constantly provide quality, meaningful suggestions to enhance the usage of the product.
  • Integration -- the integration of data among the tools is second to none. All the various functions -- email, campaign, workflows, social media monitoring and reporting, prospects, contacts, blog, calls-to-action, etc.
  • Inbound Conference -- I am impressed with the Inbound conference that HubSpot holds annually -- it is an opportunity to connect with the product developers, other users, and leading thought providers in the industry.
  • Blog -- HubSpot has an outstanding blog -- the ideas are constant and wonderful. You are constantly learning and improving.
  • Tally -- the recently announced Tally functionality allows us to ask specific, timely questions of visitors to specific web pages.
  • With all products, there is room for improvement. That is another great element of working with HubSpot. HubSpot has an ability to submit suggestions and ideas for improvement. You can vote on those suggested improvements. Since the product is constantly evolving, you see the improvements in the product.
  • Beta testing -- the best part of improvement is that you can get involved. The customer experience team of HubSpot is fantastic! I have volunteered to be on the beta elements for various software improvements. The customer experience team listens to your ideas AND helps you get started using the beta software functionality. They are awesome.
  • Beta testing -- with the opportunity to participate in beta testing, the students can see how the user experience process works as well as having access to features before they are released to the general public.
  • Positive impact is in showing individuals that we can see the prospective student and interact with that individual in a new and different way.
  • Use of the HubSpot software in the classroom positions our MBA students as advanced, current professionals. They are ready to provide new ideas and implement new structures for their future employers.
  • The School uses what we teach and teaches what we use -- that is a positive impact as well -- students have a direct impact on the school through their suggestions and insights generated in the classroom.
  • Using the Prospect tool in HubSpot, we can see which organizations are visiting our website and what pages they are viewing. This provides us with a better understanding of what individuals are looking for and what companies want.
The market is extremely competitive. The use of the internet has provided outstanding opportunities to connect with users. Virtual communities are being formed to discuss relevant business issues. Each of these changes in the marketplace demands that we stay informed and current. Using HubSpot's marketing software provides the tools, training, support, and assistance to ensure that we can listen and respond in real-time.
The best advice I would provide is to just dive right in. However, with any tool, results demand your involvement and willingness to learn. The HubSpot tool can provide you with the data, the HubSpot training can provide you with the skills, the HubSpot team can keep you informed, but ultimately you have to step in and drive the results.

1. Get trained people to help jumpstart your efforts. When you interview people, call HubSpot and ask for their "Interviewing for Today’s Modern Marketer" guide -- it provides great questions that are focused to what you want to accomplish.
2. Get trained yourself. Go to executive education sessions. Leading Business Schools offer executive education series -- we do -- spend some time in training yourself.
3. Want more information -- email me -- call me -- see what we do, then if you like what you see, hire my students. They are amazing.
4. Go to the Inbound conference. The Inbound conference provides you with the ability to network with peers and discuss trending issues.

Satisfaction with Specific Features of HubSpot

Using HubSpot

2 - We focus on using HubSpot in the classroom as well as the business -- as such, the support issues vary. For the classroom, students have the opportunity to use the tool for insight generation exercises requiring a "how to" support level -- for the business, the support is more in content creation.
  • not sure what the question is asking for
  • not sure what the question is asking for
  • not sure what the question is asking for
  • Using HubSpot to help business students apply class concepts is very important.
  • Segmenting visitors based upon geographic location has helped target marketing efforts
  • In the classroom, the goal is to focus on using HubSpot in three key areas -- first is in the area of inbound information technology concepts and uses -- second is in the area of website develop focused on personalized, responsive sites by creating templates for email, landing pages, and site pages -- third is in the area of Customer Relationship Management and integrating the tool into the course
  • We would like to expand internship opportunities for students and view HubSpot certifications as a path to help students get internships and target businesses using HubSpot to consider these students.

Evaluating HubSpot and Competitors

  • Product Features
  • Product Usability
  • Product Reputation
  • Vendor Reputation
  • Positive Sales Experience with the Vendor
HubSpot has a fantastic team to keep helping us expand the use of the tool. Their sales team keeps providing suggestions and support for us to get ever more value. The Education team provides ongoing training and educational development tools. The Support team answers questions quickly and provides suggestions on different ways to accomplish tasks.
I would not change the process

HubSpot Implementation

Every organization can always do better with implementation of new ideas and processes. To increase satisfaction would require greater involvement of administration. The increased satisfaction is more a requirement of our organization than it is with the use of the tool.
Not sure - New tools and new techniques obviously affect the organization. Key lessons are to involve everyone and to constantly advocate for the use of information.
  • Since we use HubSpot in the classroom, a key issue is getting the word out to prospective students. Student testimonials and comments are key to accomplishing this.

HubSpot Training

  • Online training
  • In-person training
  • Self-taught
The in-person training I attended was during the Inbound conferences -- the pre-conference training sessions were all day sessions -- the sessions had knowledgeable presenters and had "assistants" available to help during the "hands-on" exercises.
Tremendous online training! The sessions are complete and cover many areas. The sessions have the ability to interact with instructors and other students. The sessions have links to many various additional resources. The training also has certification tests to ensure that you have mastered the material. The certifications are kept current.
Yes -- the product is easy to learn without training -- however, I would not recommend this to others -- there is so much information and best practice information that the HubSpot team provides that you gain value by attending the training beyond just learning the tool. Someone always has a suggestion that can help.

HubSpot Support

Great support! Not only technical help, but superb sales support -- tremendous beta support -- outstanding help desk -- great education and training. Support is all encompassing.
Quick Resolution
Good followup
Knowledgeable team
Problems get solved
Kept well informed
Immediate help available
Support understands my problem
Support cares about my success
Quick Initial Response
No - Premium support is available -- we do not take advantage of this option -- I can see the value of the option, but our limited funds are targeted for other areas
Yes - Yes it was definitely resolved in a timely fashion -- the HubSpot team ensures that the issue is tracked and that I am informed. However, as a teaching institution, we actively request and volunteer to have beta software. This permits students to have the opportunity to see and work with the latest and best software. Also, even though we volunteer for everything beta, bugs have been extremely rare and very infrequent.

Using HubSpot

The tool is very easy to use. It was designed so that anyone can start achieving benefits immediately. Also, you can delve deeper into the various technical aspects. The various tools are integrated. You can start at an individual using the HubSpot CRM and easily move to marketing effectiveness using the HubSpot Marketing platform. You can easily ask users questions using Tally.
Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Most functions are very easy to perform.
  • Email -- it is very easy to create templates for email and to test the email. Once the email is sent, it is very easy to track statistics and review engagement numbers
  • Webpages -- with HubSpot's COS it is very easy to create quality responsive, personalized, smart pages. Pages can be changed easily.
  • Campaigns -- campaign monitoring is integrated into all the functions -- this helps provide a focus area for monitoring the success of various marketing assets.
  • Social Monitoring -- it is a simple step to determine which terms to listen for via social tools -- then to easily respond and engage in the conversation
Yes - Using the HubSpot education / certification courses, HubSpot personnel help you understand the importance of mobile and they help provide various best practices to follow. Given that standards are still being developed in the industry, HubSpot provides various suggestions and tools to help ensure that the interface works on all (most) platforms.

HubSpot Reliability

The system have been available whenever I need it.

Integrating HubSpot

I have only integrated it with Wistia -- it was very simple and straightforward
  • I integrated it with Wistia
Wistia provides video analytics -- the integration instructions were clear and easy to complete.
  • File import/export
  • Single Signon

Relationship with HubSpot

The account rep is very helpful and knowledgeable.
Great -- my account rep and I have meetings to review announcements and suggestions every month.

Upgrading HubSpot

Yes - We started with HubSpot Enterprise -- HubSpot provides and completes everything that is required to upgrade to the new release -- it is seamless.
  • COS -- the HubSpot web development tools are responsive and can be personalized
  • Tally -- Tally provides the ability to interact with the users by asking questions -- the benefit is getting immediate response while the user is still working on the page